It's no secret at the Troc that we aren't the biggest fans of Coach logo bags. I think part of the problem is that for the same amount of money you can purchase a bag with style and not be carrying the same thing as everyone else. These days, the classic hobo style featured on the bottom will set you back $358. That's a lot of money to look like an unfashionable clone.
As a fashion editor, I loved watching the direction that the creative director, Reed Krakoff, had taken the brand and liked many of the leather offerings, small accessories and outerwear. I own many wonderful Bonnie Cashin-era Coach bags and still love the classic turn lock closure on my very The Official Preppy Handbook-style leather pocket bag and mini backpack. I have a great leather coat, a shearling and the most vintage-looking trench coat cape from my years of covering the brand. I was even the very lucky recipient of a custom-made satchel in suede with pastel python trim, stitched inside with "Made exclusively by Reed Krakoff of Coach for Alice Kim."
So don't get me wrong; I like the Coach brand for its great American heritage, its workmanship and classic lines. I just wish that women would branch out from the brown logo (or worse yet, the pastel ones) and either get a beautiful leather bag from them (like the one featured here, which is $398, only $40 more than the not-stylish-at-all logo hobo) or look to other designers who are making very fashionable totes and purses. At Trocadero, we feature handbags from MZ Wallace, Rafe, Botkier, Be & D, Anya Hindmarch and L.A.M.B by Gwen Stefani. Trust me when I say that I've seen almost every brand out there. I try to bring the best bags at various price points and for the greatest value for what you're getting. And you'll be happy to know that you're one of only a few who have the bag, especially in Omaha. As a former magazine editor, I know women spend lots of money because they want to look good and seem fashionable. And that's why I'm telling you that there is not one fashion editor in America who is carrying a logo Coach bag. There's a reason for that.
So the next time you're at your local mall, resist the urge to buy something with that logo print. Actually resist the urge to buy a brand that everyone else has. If one day your fantasy is to be a fashion editor or stylist, it's all about having a unique point-of-view. So that means not being a follower. Plus, as a twenty-two year old do you really want to be carrying the same bag that many married forty-year olds with three kids are toting around at their local grocery store?
Totally agree! Most of the coach logo bags are hidz, yet every west Omaha housewife loves them. Coach is the poor-woman's Louis Vuitton.
I have many (like 10) Coach bags that I acquired between 1985 (when no one knew what it was) and 1995 (when people started figuring it out) and love the leather and the quality, but now it's gone from classic to cliche....yawn! Omaha women just don't get it. I think I'll stick with my Gucci & Chanel, and maybe add an Anya soon!
I totally agree! Give me a bag with quality and style that never goes out of style. And no logos please, even if it is Gucci or LV.
Thanks you Alice for having such a great store to shop at.
Amen, I couldn't agree more.
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