Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Sopa de Ajo

While traveling abroad this past summer, I had the opportunity to taste lots of tasty dishes, one of which was this amazingly delicious and simple Spanish soup, sopa de ajo. As the weather grows increasingly colder here in Omaha, my boyfriend and I have been making this soup quite often as we almost always have all of the ingredients on hand and a hot dinner is on the table in under an hour. Also, the immune-stimulating properties in garlic make this my go-to dish when I'm feeling under the weather. Here's my recipe:

(Serves 2)

olive oil

2-3 bulbs of garlic (dependent on your personal preference; for me it typically depends on how much I have on hand)

1/2 of a baguette cut into 1/2" slices (the Spaniards typically make this soup to get rid of stale bread; if you have some on hand, throw it in! If not, toast the bread in the oven for a bit until golden brown)

2 tsp of pimenton (Spanish smoked paprika - this spice is essential, as normal paprika will not taste the same. Again, if you would like to add more of this spice to your soup, be my guest)

dash of cumin

2-3 cups of vegetable or chicken broth

4 eggs

salt and black pepper to taste (be careful not to over salt -- most broths have more than enough. With that said, this is a saltier soup!)

1. Saute garlic until soft but not brown, about three minutes.
2. Add the broth, pimenton, cumin, salt & pepper and bring to a boil.
3. Reduce heat to a simmer, add the bread & push around to make four wells in the soup to hold the eggs. Break an egg into each well and use a spoon to scoop hot soup over each egg until the eggs are cooked to your preference.

el fin! Enjoy your delicious, immune-building dinner!

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