Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Summer scarves are here!

Of all the accessories in the world, scarves are one of my favorites. In fact, about a month ago I decided to try and organize my scarf collection only to learn that I had close to 75 scarves in my apartment! If I were to add one more to the already vast pile, I'd have to add one of these Yarnz scarves that Alice bought for Trocadero.

A scarf seems like such a simple thing - just a square of fabric - but in reality, a lot goes into it: weight, length, how it feels against your skin and of course, what it looks like. The ivory peacock feather design we ordered in a light cashmere hits all the perfect notes: it's big enough to tie a number of different ways, feels great against your skin and is lightweight enough to be worn in summer but still warm enough to protect your bare shoulders from chilly central air conditioning that will soon be blasting all over Omaha.

I tied this scarf in my favorite way for the photo on the left, by doubling it in half and pulling the ends through the loop, but it also looks great worn wrapped around the neck or even tied in a long, loose knot.
The pattern shows through no matter how it's tied, and its both subtle and colorful at once. The perfect wear-every day piece.

If you're more of a plain scarf lady, don't worry. A selection of summer weight Mai Scarves, made of a 50/50 blend of linen and cashmere arrived in the store this week, in midori green and onyx.
Solid 100 percent cashmere scarves by Mai are available, too. As spring progresses, the store will get even more great new scarf designs, so stop by and tie one on for yourself.

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